New Partnership Agreement (PA) 2021 – 2027

Selectika FWD has been consistently and effectively implementing European programs since 1999.


New Partnership Agreement

2021 - 2027

(new PA)

The new PA (Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework) 2021 – 2027 constitutes the main strategic plan for growth in Greece with the contribution of significant resources originating from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) of the European Union.

The PA, through its implementation, seeks to tackle the structural weaknesses in Greece that contributed to the economic crisis, as well as other economic and social problems caused by it. European Union policies for the new Partnership Agreement 2021 – 2027, will be guided by five primary targets:

  1. Enhancing business competitiveness and extroversion, shifting to qualitative entrepreneurship spearheaded by innovation and higher domestic added value
  • Transition to high added value activities
  • Creation of a business friendly environment to attract investments
  • Capitalising on research and innovation to strengthen the competitiveness of new and existing businesses
  1. Development and utilisation of human resource abilities – active social inclusion
  • Education and life-long learning
  • Development of human resources and access to employment focusing on the creation of jobs, especially for young people
  • Promotion of social inclusion and combating poverty
  1. Protection of the environment – Transition to a more environmentally friendly economy
  • Protection of the environment
  • Fostering climate change adaptation and risk prevention
  • Shift to a low carbon economy
  1. Development – modernisation – completion of infrastructures for economic and social growth
  • Transport networks focusing on the completion of the Trans-European Transport Networks, with vertical axes and multi-modal transport
  • Energy networks
  • Broadband networks
  1. Improvement of the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration and local government

Indicative Consulting Services

Writing Business Plans

Years of experience in creating business plans, based on the professional needs of each client.

Implementation of European Programs

Design, Coordination & Supervision of European Programs, resulting in their successful and complete implementation.

Preparation of Studies

Ability to compile various types of studies (technical study, economic study, labor market study, study for the maturation of project files, etc.).

Project Management

Integrated Management of Co-financed Projects.


Public & Private Partnerships Support (PPP).

Reorganization of Loan Obligations

We undertake the reorganization of loan obligations for both individuals and legal entities.

Operational Programs Planning

Elaboration of Sectoral Studies & Regional Development Studies.

Analysis of Spatial & Urban Planning Data

Processing and analysis of environmental and spatial data using geographic information systems.

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